Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. A late fee of $10.00 will be added to your account by midnight, the 5th of the month. If payment is not received by the 10th of the month dancers will not be able to participate. Tuition remains the
same regardless of absences or holiday breaks. Tuition is not prorated for Holiday months. Tuition may be paid by cash, debit, or credit card (major credit cards are accepted), or money order (no checks). Cash payments are encouraged to be the exact amount as we usually do not have change. Students with delinquent accounts of 30 days or more will be dismissed and will need to resubmit full registration fee of $40.00 and monthly tuition in order to participate. Accounts must be paid in full to participate in any type of performances.
Tuition Discounts:
There is a $15.00 sibling discount offered when enrolling multiple students.
Costume Fee
Depending on what dance style your dancer takes will depend on your costume fee. Costume fees must be paid by the deadline that is listed in notices in order for your dancer to participate in performances or recitals. Each dancer must purchase an IDS t-shirt $12.00.
Jazz & Lyrical/Contemporary:Any color leotard and tights or crop tops and dance shorts. Leggings may be worn. Tan or Black colored jazz shoes. Hair must be pulled away from the face. No over sized t-shirts, tank tops, camisole tops, sweatpants, loose shorts or pants are permitted in class. No Jewelry. IDS Practice attire maybe worn.
Performance Shoe:
Tan Jazz Shoe
All Ballet/Tap Classes:
Ballet dancers are to arrive with black or pink leotard, black or pink ballet tights, and black or pink ballet slippers. Pre-Ballet only must have black tap shoes. Hair is to be pulled away from face. No jewelry, leg warmers, or shirts are permitted in class. All undergarments, including sports bras, must be covered by leotard or be solid black. IDS Practice attire is not permitted in ballet class.
Performance shoe:
Pre-Ballet and Beginners- Pink Ballet Slippers
Pre-Ballet- Black Tap shoes
Advanced Ballet- Black Ballet Slippers
Jazz clothes or comfortable street clothes with non-marking & tennis shoes, no jeans. IDS Practice attire and/or t-shirt can be worn
All black or majority black must be worn, no jeans. Can be leotard, crop top, dance shorts, leggings no sweatpants. IDS Practice attire and/or t-shirt can be worn. No jewelry.
Any color leotard and tights or crop tops and dance shorts. Leggings may be worn. No Jeans or Jewelry. Hair is to be pulled away from face.
*Those that are on our competition teams please follow your competition class attire rather Ballet, Hip Hop, or Majorette.*
It is very critical that all dancers try to make it to every practice unless an emergency occurs. Dancers can only have 2 absences before each upcoming performance. The IDS calendar is electronic and is updated frequently so parents can be informed of upcoming performances. There will not be any refunds or credits to students account for classes missed due to illness, vacation, religious observance, or for any other reason.
Withdrawals & Cancellation Notice
If students are withdrawing, a notice is required at least 14 days in advance written, verbal, or emailed notice prior to the beginning of the next month. If this is not done, your student will not be eligible to return to the studio.
-Indulgence Dance Studio reserves the right to use photos and videos of students
from dance class or performances for advertising and/or marketing.-
School age children and teens: please practice respect. Dance class is educational and fun, however, an important part of class work is developing an attitude of discipline and respect for teachers and fellow students. We trust that following our classroom etiquette will provide an environment whereby classes at Indulgence Dance Studio will be a pleasure for all concerned. If we find any dancer not being respectful to others they will be dismissed.